Evelyn Eastmond

Member: scratch.mit.edu
Personal page: evelyn.aquapixel.net

Workshop 1 (Teaching with Scratch): Saturday March 7, 10:00am – 1:00pm.
Workshop 2 (Scratch for Young People): Saturday March 7, 2:00-5:00pm.
Lecture: Sunday March 8, morning session.
“Hello World” Workshop (Getting Started with Scratch): Monday March 9, 10:30am-12pm.

Evelyn Eastmond has been a member of the Scratch team in the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab for six years: first as an undergraduate researcher, then graduating with an MEng in Computer Science and now working fulltime as a developer for Scratch. Splitting her time between her home in Madison, WI and the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge. She continues to learn and grow as Scratch itself evolves and is excited to connect with Scratch and *art and code* enthusiasts from all corners of the world. Evelyn is currently teaching herself Flex, Processing and other cool things.